Project Planner iPhone

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FS#22 - Task dependency types

Attached to Project: Project Planner iPhone
Opened by Henrik Zätterman (Zaman) - Wednesday, 12 May 2010, 14:15 GMT+2
Last edited by Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW) - Thursday, 20 May 2010, 10:02 GMT+2
Task Type Feature Request
Category Backend / Core
Status Researching
Assigned To Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW)
Operating System All
Severity Medium
Priority Normal
Reported Version 2.3.1
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 0
Private No


I would like to be able to set dependency types between different tasks and between tasks and summaries.
Dependency types should indicate how the tasks should be placed in relation to each other:
* Start when previous task ends (this is how it works today)
* Sharing end point/ends at the same date
* Contained within (summary contains one or more tasks/summaries)
* Sharing start point/starts at the same date

The dependency types will be used to calculate the start/end time for the different tasks.
This makes it a lot easier to handle delays or replanning of projects where moving one task affects several other tasks. Today all tasks have to be moved manually unless the relation is that they should be done after each other.
This task depends upon

Comment by Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW) - Thursday, 20 May 2010, 09:56 GMT+2
Adding different types of dependencies is planned over the long term (not before summer).
Comment by Chuck Rice (cack) - Thursday, 07 April 2011, 17:32 GMT+2
I think that I need the same thing, or close. I also need to have dependent tasks start on the same day as the previous tasks ends. I can do this, but if anything changes in any of the tasks, it moves back to the next day again. I would like to set or lock a "hard date" for a milestone. I f I have an event scheduled on Friday, April 8, it has to be that day. It cannot slide come hell or high water. A warning would be good indicating that there is a conflict, and asking how I want to handle it.
