Project Planner HD

Project Planner HD is iPad version of Project Planner
   | Tasklist

FS#146 - Project Information and Progress Indicator in %

Attached to Project: Project Planner HD
Opened by Lea (Iceman23) - Thursday, 02 January 2014, 12:27 GMT+2
Task Type Feature Request
Category Backend / Core
Status Assigned
Assigned To Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW)
Operating System All
Severity Critical
Priority Normal
Reported Version 2.2.1
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 0
Private No


Would it be possible to create the following new features?

1. Allow for a field to add project information that is displayed in the report when you export?
2. Could there be a field on the project details page of the report where it shows a breakdown of tasks pending, completed and the % completed? Would also be great if it could pull a project chart.
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