Project Planner iPhone

Project Planner - iPhone version of our the most popular application.

FS#118 - Start Date offered on creation of Task

Attached to Project: Project Planner iPhone
Opened by Mike (Feathers) - Thursday, 15 November 2012, 12:39 GMT+2
Last edited by Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW) - Sunday, 13 January 2013, 17:38 GMT+2
Task Type Feature Request
Category Backend / Core
Status Closed
Assigned To Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW)
Operating System All
Severity Low
Priority Normal
Reported Version 3.0.0
Due in Version 3.1.0
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 100%
Votes 0
Private No


On creating a new task, the default start date is "Today".

It would be preferable (to me) to offer the first day of the project by default with a button providing the ability to select 'Today' if required.

(Using 'Today' in a project that has a start date set in the future means that the start date is adjusted to today's date which will then need fixing)

An alternative approach may be to keep the date selection as it is but provide a warning dialog box if the start (or end) date of the project is going to be adjusted by the selection being made for the task.
This task depends upon

Closed by  Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW)
Sunday, 13 January 2013, 17:38 GMT+2
Reason for closing:  Implemented
