Project Planner iPhone

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FS#110 - Behaviour of "Summary Start" and "Summary End" buttons is unpredictable

Attached to Project: Project Planner iPhone
Opened by Mike (Feathers) - Wednesday, 14 November 2012, 14:41 GMT+2
Task Type Bug Report
Category Backend / Core
Status Assigned
Assigned To Tomasz Wojtkowiak (TomekW)
Operating System All
Severity High
Priority Normal
Reported Version 3.0.0
Due in Version Undecided
Due Date Undecided
Percent Complete 0%
Votes 0
Private No


Selecting what I call the "Summary Start" and "Summary End" buttons sometimes adjusts the start and end positions of the assocated Summary Task but at other times it changes another existing task into a summary task (and loses all of its associated data in the process).

I know the manual hasn't been published for this button yet but if it is going to delete data that has already been entered then I believe it needs to identify the data that is going to be affected and give the user a chance to say "No" if it wasn't what he wanted to do.

Specific example:

I had:

Summary task
Task 1
Task 2 (with a dependency on Task 1)

I entered a new Task 3 and selected the "Summary Start" button. The result was that the Summary Task was not adjusted but Task 1 was changed into a summary task.

This task depends upon
